This Blog is dedicated to our Journey to Becoming Parents

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Welcome to my new blog! I have decided to dedicate this blog to my husband and I's journey to becoming Parents!!! Just a little bit about me if you did not read my old blog, im 25 years old and my husband and i were married on 4/5/2008 and ever since that day we have been trying for a baby of our own.We have dealt with many fertility and ob doctors and unfortunately had a miscarriage at 11 weeks in December of 2010. I have a disease called PCOS with insulin resistance with a tad of Endometriosis mixed in! Yeah im a mess! But my husband thank god is perfect, so its just me that needs the fixing! We LOVE LOVE LOVE children and want to be parents more than anything in the world. I know one day it will happen so i want to document our beautiful, heart aching and loving journey to our Little Miracle!!

Here are a few pics of my wonderful husband and I 

                                       Wedding day 4/5/2008
I love to hear other couples journeys and stories of there struggles of getting pregnant, having babies, and adoption. I know this is a very sensitive subject for many many people but i have learned recently it helps me to talk about my situation and relate with others going through a similar situation. It gives me hope and assurance that I AM NOT ALONE. I hope you enjoy my posts and please email or comment me if you would like to know anything! GOD BLESS


  1. I am so proud of you and love you so much! we want a baby so very badly for you and there couldn't be two more deserving people in this world! Your miracle will come!!!!!

  2. Lizzy,

    I am going to send you an email in the next few days because I had a lot of the issues you have and it took us four years to get pregnant with Nicholas. The girls were just a crazy luck for us. At 14 I was told I would never have kids. Don't give up! However, as soon as we quit trying I ended up sick from being pregnant! lol. I will message you more! It will all work out, just keep your head up and always keep your faith!
