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Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A New Month

Ok so it's a brand new month, and we are going to really try all the tricks this month. This will be the first time since our miscarriage in December actually trying again. So I'm gonna try ovulation predictor kits this cycle! I have tried them spratacly before but I'm going full force this month, and I need help!!!! I have no idea which brand is the best to use; for example there are ones with a smiley face, ones with two lines ( which may I add is a big tease) I'm just so confused and looking for any good advice on how to track my ovulation! So any advice would be greatly appreciated!

On a brighter note I go for my follow up with my Doctor on May 11th and I'm real excited since I have not seen him since my miscarriage.we will see what he thinks our next steps should be. I also started a much healthier diet and I WILL exercise at least 4 days a week since I have time for it now! So are fingers are crossed and we will see what happens.Well that's all for now and just keeping my prayers and hopes high for baby Robinson to come very soon!


  1. I can say after 2 years of ttc...the clearblue easy digital opk's are best!! They're more expensive but they take away all the confusion of comparing those lines. I tried one month of regular ones and threw them out after 2 days of those dang lines!! Good luck this month! We're moving on to ivf in the coming months!

  2. use the website.... I think they even have a program that allows you to track your cycle using your temperature and cervical mucus (GROSS!) haha... but check that out- they have some really good tips. I am going back to having some lady problems that i had before Cole so I am going back to reading all of my information and 'taking charge of your fertility' book! if you dont have that book, GET IT! we love you!
